Dragon Rider leash, Fourth wing inspired, Dragon dog leash, Dragons leash, Dog lead, Multiple length 2ft,3ft,4ft,5ft,6ft
Dragon Rider leash, Fourth wing inspired, Dragon dog leash, Dragons leash, Dog lead, Multiple length 2ft,3ft,4ft,5ft,6ft
Made with heavy-duty nylon with 4,800 tensile strength, solid metal hardware. Sewn with Bonded nylon thread #69 ( similar to fishing line strength) for extra durability a metal Chicago rivet is added!!!
Note: Leash hook clips may be different than pictured as I update my hardware and update photos along the way!
Each decorative material used will be worn differently. Some materials have the designs added while others are printed on the collar nylon itself. Materials with glitter or foil accents may rub off quicker than normal collars depending on the dog who wears the collars. Not all materials used are the same, some are tougher than others for a tougher option select Printed Durable Webbing if available not all designs have this option, keep this in mind when purchasing and do so accordingly.
Love this leash find a matching collar here